DirectorsCompany Information

Directors (As of July 1, 2024)

President, Representative Director Takeyuki Takahashi,CEO(*1), CCO (*2), and in charge of General Control, Audit Sect., Procurement Dept., and New Business Development Div.
Vice President, Representative Director Taketsune Matsumura,CFO (*3), CIO (*4), Assistant to President, in charge of Corporate Services Div. (*5)
Director Ichiro Tanaka,Assistant to President, and in charge of Marine Propulsion Systems Div., and Logistics Systems Div.
Director WONG Lai Yong (*6)
Director Yuichi ShiomiFull-time Audit and Supervisory Committee Member
Director Koichi Tanaka(*6)Audit and Supervisory Committee Member
Director Koichi Kawasaki(*6)Audit and Supervisory Committee Member
Director Mie Miwa(*6)Audit and Supervisory Committee Member

(*1)CEO : Chief Executive Officer
(*2)CCO : Chief Compliance Officer
(*3)CFO : Chief Financial Officer
(*4)CIO : Chief Information Officer
(*5)Corporate Services Div. : Corporate Planning Dept., Accounting Dept., Finance Dept., HR & General Affairs Dept., and Legal Sect.
(*6)Outside Director

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