After-sales Service for Gas Turbine Co-generation SytemBusiness & Products

  • After-sales Service for Gas Turbine Co-generation Sytem
Mitsui E&S gas turbines range from 1 to 24 MW of generating output as gas turbine co-generation units and widely applied such as in food, chemical, semiconductor industries and also district heating and chilling, and have the following features:


  • High efficiency and low cost
  • Simple system configuration
  • Environmentally-friendly, a high total efficiency and less NOx & CO2 emissions
  • Application to a variety of purposes, from hospitals, office buildings, etc., to industrial use such as factories.
  • A variety of burning fuels, such as town gas, LPG, kerosene, heavy fuel and byproduct oil

Lineup of products

We provide after-sales services to the following Mitsui E&S gas turbine co-generation systems.
Type Outline Survey
MSC40 ~
Simple co-generation systems using gas turbines produced by U.S.-based Solar Turbines Inc. in the Mitsui Solar Co-generation (MSC) Series of seven packages ranging from 4 MW to 13 MW MSC40 ~MSC130
MACS60 ~
Variable heat and power co-generation systems using gas turbines produced by U.S.-based Solar Turbines Inc. in the Mitsui Advanced Co-Generation System (MACS) Series of five different packages ranging from 7 MW to 17 MW MACS60 ~ MACS130
SB15 ~
Simple cogeneration systems based on the SB15 to SB120 Series of independently developed gas turbines. Four different packages from 3 MW to 24 MW have been delivered to customers. SB15 ~ SB120
Co-generation systems based on the independently developed SB5 1 MW gas turbine. The SB5-COPRA variable heat and power model and the GP1000-RECSS regeneration cycle model have been delivered to customers. The enhanced efficiency SB5N model was recently added to the lineup. GP1000,MPP1000,SB5-COPRA,GP1000-RECSS,SB5N


Stable parts and spare engine supply
A complete supply process including design, manufacturing, quality control, procurement system and stock control management has been established to supply necessary parts in a timely manner.
Stable parts and spare engine supply
Long-term comprehensive maintenance contract
A budget plan for customers' maintenance cost and facility maintenance management is made easy by leveling out the long-term routine inspection costs as a yearly base.
Long-term comprehensive maintenance contract
Long-term comprehensive maintenance contract
Technical service for emergencies
We respond to customer's expectations with preventive maintenance by tendency management utilizing the complete online support system at Tamano office and emergency response service at abnormal · trouble occurrence. In addition, Tamano and Chibaʼs technical staff at each sales office are developing swift service.
Technical service for emergencies
Improvement of facility function and performance
Our proposals for functional and performance improvements based on customers' needs and technology development makes the customers' facility more valuable and helps to improve their business management efficiency.
Improvement of facility function and performance
Technical support
We hold technical training sessions to provide customers with support for their facility operations. These sessions tailored to the specific customers' facility and wishes have been praised by many customers.
Technical support


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